A group meeting, at an NDI Clinic, in Nicaragua. Photo Via NDI.
NDI Now Offers 60 Hours of CE for Global Health Course: In the world of international medicine, Natural Doctors International continues to pioneer and create inroads for naturopathic physicians and other health providers in global health. The very first Global Health Course of it's kind is now CE certified thru the OBNE! Yes, naturopathic doctors who participate in our courses will receive 60 continuing education credits, 3 of which will be granted as pharmacy credit. "This is a huge step for us", says Dr. Tabatha Parker, Executive Director of NDI, "as it will open up the doors for many doctors that want to do service work but must juggle the cost of other obligations like CE". CE courses will run throughout the year, and NDs are encouraged to sign up for the courses quickly as spaces are limited and sell out quickly. "This year we just finished our courses and graduated over 88 participants - creating a pool of naturopathic physicians that will be trained to be global health providers." You may find more information about our global health courses at www.ndimed.org.
NDI Annual Auction
NDI is also reinstating their Annual Auction and Volunteer Appreciation Gala this December 4th of 2009 so mark your calendars and come celebrate in Portland, Oregon! If you would like to nominate a volunteer, intern, student NDI president or board member to receive an award, please email ndvolunteers@ndimed.org with your nomination.
CALLING ALL NDs - International Collaboration with Red Cross to Teach Locals Natural Medicine
When the Red Cross (Italy) decided to do a huge program on the island of Ometepe with over 90 classes in natural medicine, they naturally came to NDI to collaborate. This is very exciting news and very much in line with the idea set forth by NDI volunteer Anthony Trujillo who won $2000 and 1st prize for his natural medicine sustainability video. If you are interested in helping to develop basic classes in natural medicine for this project, please contact us immediately. We are looking for physicians to provide some basic powerpoints about natural medicine in general OR utilizing natural medicine to treat diarrhea, parasites, flu and cold, upper respiratory infections, heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. The presentations will be edited for content and tailored for our audience here in Nicaragua and translated into Spanish. We will be selecting interns to help implement this program in early 2010.